All posts tagged: Ethimo


Out-Fit by Ethimo, the outdoor home gym

Working out is not only recommended after the holidays, it is almost required to get back into shape and, more generally, take care of your health and psycho-physical wellbeing.

Outdoor furniture: Baia by Ethimo

The Baia collection by Ethimo is one of the most intriguing new outdoor releases of 2022, together with its twin collection Costiera.

Nodi by Ethimo, the new outdoor rugs

Nodi by Ethimo, the new outdoor rugs

Rete, Punto Croce and Camouflage are the names of Ethimo’s new Nodi collection of rugs designed by Paola Navone. These rugs provide a genuine textile story and have been made to furnish the outdoor space with the same comfort and intimacy of indoor spaces.

Bulbi by Ethimo, totemic vases

Bulbi by Ethimo, totemic vases

Modular, totemic, minimalist and striking, the new Bulbi vases introduced at Maison&Objet by Ethimo are a concentration of natural materials.

Swing Alcova by Ethimo, an exclusive desire for comfort

Swing Alcova by Ethimo, an exclusive desire for comfort

Reduci dalle vacanze natalizie, anche voi vi sentite appesantiti dalle abbuffate e dai lunghi pomeriggi oziosi? Quel che ci vuole è un arredo alcova che ci proietti nella bella stagione, come il nuovo arrivato della famiglia Swing di Ethimo.
